SWAG77 Opinion: Force Absence Is A Scientific Concept and The Yuuzhan Vong Need Return To Star Wars Current Canon

I as the owner of the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 am speaking per my training as a Ph.D. scientist. This concept is science fiction, and while I do not have the theoretical math ability to prove this concept, I know enough molecular biology and genetics to see some key concepts that would allow Force Absence to exist theoretically. Thus, the character class in Star Wars, the Yuuzhan Vong, should be included in the current canon, despite the distaste of the story concept opposing the understand of the fictional mechanisms of Cosmic and Living Force.

AS SCHOLARS OF SCIENCE: We scientists speculate and hypothesize, but our experiments demonstrate our theories and ideas. Then repetition and further testing in different scenarios by our colleagues further our understanding. More questions arise, and we rarely meet a final answer. When some scientists find a final answer, that concept becomes a LAW, for example, the Laws of Thermodynamics.

Trashing ABSENCE of the FORCE in a fictional universe was wrong by the Star Wars writers of the Sequels. While there can be two sides of an idea that exist in the context of the known universe when worldbuilding a fictional story, a truism emerges in science that several ideas coalesce simultaneously, and we see a part of it. And there is the possibility that we do not see it but have theories about it. We are unable to see and prove these theories. Or there are no theories, and they remain unknown to scientists.

The reason why FORCE ABSENCE might exist is due to the latest European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) research. The scientists discovered an entirely new concept of particle physics on the Hadron Collider experiments. Without getting into too much detail, they show in their 2021 Conversation article that it is possible that atoms and the particles in them phase into a new form of a force and that the femtoseconds of the switch to a new form is ABSENT of all other forces.

TL;DR — Force Absence can be justified scientifically, and therefore, the Grysk should be the client species of the Yuuzhan Vong.

I speculate suspect (I might be misreading the science) that the First Order, with all their crazed cult-like beliefs and behaviors, have been brainwashed by the Grysks to do their bidding. However, the Resistance destroyed Starkiller Base and in these Sequels. The First Order did not suspect the power of the Resistance.

The writers created a fictional idea of “Quintessence” to describe the power of the Starkiller Base, different from the Death Star Battlestations. Quintessence powered Starkiller Base by shifting particles from the fusion reactors of a star and drains it. Aside from the size and gravity of a star, which its motion through the fabric of space and time alone would destroy any machinery on a planet incapable of holding that power in a planetary core by quarks without blackhole formations, it the ability to destroy a solar system of planets without understanding anti-matter or forces with the concept of ABSENCE would be ignorant.

The fictional use of Starkiller Base as the “big bad scary” thing became comical to longtime fans and rote. We had seen this idea before, and destroying a solar system is dumb.

What would have been scarier to some longtime Star Wars fans is moving a moon, slowly then speeding up and slamming it into the planet – like the Yuuzhan Vong did in an act called Yo’gand’s Core. They destroyed the planet to grow their ships from the energy the biological technology ate that they called a ship womb. To grow large enough biological starships took years at the beginning of this story. Then, later on, the Yuuzhan Vong scientists could grow them faster. Throwing an asteroid, comet, or moon onto a planet naturally occurs in nature. It scares people because it is possible and has happened. For a group of fictional characters capable of technology to move large bodies in space, though not seen in reality, is scary, and that is what several Star Wars fans wanted to see.

But if it was the Force Absence that stopped the process for writing this story with retroactive continuity (retcon), how did they think asteroids, comets, and moons onto a planet could occur without that femtosecond switch from one force to another that resides in the absence?

The writers decided to neglect known science or theoretical science, possibly for fear that nascent Star Wars fans would not understand or that most casual fans would not care. However, all science fiction fandoms or fantasy fandoms level up to a robust understanding of science. Most Star Wars fans play video games where they have to win certain elements to win the game. Some of these elements are scientific in concept. Gamers understand the use of it. But to have no science or crap science that neglects natural experimental and theoretical science and scientists who work in science and are fans of science fiction and Star Wars in particular. Of course, the Star Trek friends tease the Star Wars fans for being too magical with lightsabers and this weird Force Use idea. But, watching scenes that lack the suspension of disbelief to an enjoyable moment of fictional science fiction fantasy, well– okay, then.

This piece does not say there was no written story. But a new Star Wars story as released was lacking.

If these Grysks were filmed and edited out because it was too long or the story was confusing, then just like JL of DC, a 4+ hours movie on Disney+ without that Premier Access needs to be released.

Too bad George Lucas does not like the idea of FORCE ABSENCE because it conflicts with his strong concept of Cosmic and Living Force.

The Yuuzhan Vong could have been a challenge for costume directors and creators because they could use all-natural and vegan ingredients to create new creatures since that is what the Yuuzhan Vong are.

Of course, it is computer-generated, but it would have been very nice if the art department did little glass slide stained pathology examinations, electron-microscopes (EM), and magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) study of data. It would not be at a diagnosis level, but an artist sees things that scientists sometimes miss because most of the armor of the Yuuzhan Vong is living and could be based on microscopic scientific images. This concept describes how several organisms on Earth live, such as the Morpho Butterfly that is not blue, but that is what we see because microscopic structures absorb the wavelengths in the sun and release light humans view as blue.

The last idea is Yuuzhan Vong behavior. The Yuuzhan Vong were created to be religious zealots. Fervent in their beliefs. Cult-like. They believed in a pantheon of gods. They proselytize in a Star Wars galaxy made up of Force Users and atheists. I created a biracial half-human/half-Yuuzhan Vong, as my original character. My idea and myself were attacked. Not my story. Outright hatred of me and my story. I endured bullying to a level Gamergate cannot rival, and then these people gaslighted me. These fans labeled the Yuuzhan Vong as Muslim Terrorist because, at the time, “only Muslims” can be the “bad guys”. Anyone who would equivocate this idea is a White Supremacist and a bigot. We saw some fans of Star Wars be fervent in their beliefs on January 6, 2021, when they could not have their way for the American legal vote. The Yuuzhan Vong culture is far from any stereotype hatred against Muslims and the offensive label as “terrorists”.

The Yuuzhan Vong’s galaxy was invaded by killer droids, such as the Decepticons of Transformers movies, the Octopus Machines of the Matrix movies, and the Terminators of the Terminator movies. The names of these behemoth killer droids in Star Wars were called the Abominor and the Silentium. These droids slayed the “primitive” Yuuzhan Vong in their galaxy until the planetary consciousness on their homeworld, Yuuzhan’tar, decided to teach them how to fight these droids. The homeworld used biological technology – natural phenomena as weapons, such as:

  • Creating space gas storms
  • Creating minute blackholes to warp droid starships
  • Creating Kaiju-monsters to interdict starships
  • Setting off large wave Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) to kill starship electronics
  • Throwing bugs that have acid for blood to dissolves metal hulls
  • Slamming asteroids or clusters of asteroids into hulls
  • Creating biological starships that maneuver as if a living organism moves in space
  • Moving massive space bodies to suit their needs
  • Poisoning the planet if there is too many droids

Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong defeated these killer droids, and as usual, they turned on each other. They fought so much, they killed their planet, Yuuzhan’tar that destroyed their galaxy.

Collecting what they could, they created Worldships with their remaining people and traveled the Void of space where generations would not see or land on a planet until they found the know Star Wars galaxy. As their long-range scouts researched planets on to find pollution, droids, and the abuse of people who were good stewards to the natural ecological and environmentally stable planet. To the Yuuzhan Vong felt that the residents poison, pollute and abuse their planets and therefore unworthy to have them before the gods of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Yuuzhan Vong believe that the gods create planets, not man and therefore they have no right to destroy planets.

So then, when they saw innocent inhabitants caring for planets as good steward and how some abused these individuals, the Yuuzhan Vong felt compelled to bring salvation to the abused to save them before the gods. Besides, the belief is pain makes one stronger and escalates them before the gods.

What if a traveling indigenous warriors had superior power to fight and defeat European invaders and protect the innocent people?

In the Star Wars Actors Guild 77 fanfiction, a squad of Yuuzhan Vong watched an original character being beaten with knout. She sustained the pain without a whimper. When that the squad witnessed this act, they believed that she must have god-like qualities, and she must be saved to present her to their leadership for sainthood, and acculturation into the Yuuzhan Vong though she was human. What they did not know is she had the Force, and she was able to sever herself from it that is similar to Force Absence.

Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong came to her homeworld, Haruun Kal, purchased untouched land and harvested their biots on the land. In order to do that, there were activities they had to do, such as move the planet into a better orbit for the health of the planet, and divert large bodies of water. There is a cost for moving planets, the tectonics change and large earthquakes destroy the landscape. They developed Vongforming (terraforming) on Haruun Kal.

More speculative scientific conceptual proof from this image below

Astronomers may have found black holes that formed soon after big bang

Suppose science fiction fantasy writers will use mystical wizardry to examine stories and plots and ignore science from professionals. In that case, the suspension of disbelief by fans will give unfavorable reviews. It does not have to all facts in science, but black hole formation is a practical concept in science to use for a story element.

Force Absence resides in the formation of the black holes. The Yuuzhan Vong are absent in the Force. They use point black holes to open hyperspace jumps and other biotechnology. They serve as a greater menace to Sith and Jedi than Grysks, who have tentacles hiding behind shadowy dark clothing.